Newsletter 7
In this release you will find:Pulbication of the Study on the Efectiveness of Application of the Alterntive Sentence in Albania, The application of the multi-disciplinary
programms and the benefiting subjects, Evaluating Instruments on Recidivism, The new Aksion Plus Center and The opening of the New Regional Offices of Probation Service.
For the full articles you can read our Newsletter 7
Newsletter 6
The topic of the Newsletter 6 are:Conditional Release Toward International Standards, Training with Prison's Staff, Training with prof. Icro Maremmani and Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the Council of Europe Probation Rules.
For the full articles you can read our Newsletter 6
Newsletter 5
The topics of this issue are:
Informative Seminar about the services delivered by the National Network Association for the Implementation of the Alternative Sentence in Albania, Presentation in New York University and the Presentation in the Faculty of Political Science.
For the full articles read our Newsletter 5
Newsletter 4
This publication has been produced in the framework of: Network for the Implementation of Alternative Sentence project. The main articles of this issue are:
Alternative Sentence and the role of Social Worker
Main activities in the framework of the development of Alternative Sentence Project
Presentation of Alternative Sentence in Tirana NGO-s Fair
Presentation in the Municipality Unit Nr.10
For more, read our Newsletter 4
Newsletter 3
In this issue you will find detailed information regarding different activities held in the framework of the Network for the Implementation of Alternative Sentence project. The main articles are:
Anger Management Program
Domestic Violence Program and Professional Trainings for women
Probation Service is giving me respect (true story)
For more, read Newsletter 3
Newsletter 2
The implementation of Alternative Sentence in Albania is a step forward in the consolidation of Human Rights, Democracy and Legal State. Since one year of its implementation the collaboration between Probation Service and the Network of Community Services for Offenders has achieved many objectives.
Read more on our Newsletter 2
Newsletter 1
In this first publication you will learn how the project of implementation of Alternative Sentence in Albania started. What are its objectives and what are the activities that will be held. Why is the alternative sentece necessary? What are the advantages of it... and so on. For more please read Newsletter 1