Why is the alternative sentence necessary?
The implementation of Alternative Sentence from the Probation Service aims to consolidate and promote human rights, to enlarge the representation of people interests and needs, give its contribution in the development of the society, making possible the inclusion and the participation of community in important institutional process which are considered the as the basic qualities which builds a democracy.
Among project's objectives we may list
- To gain a second chance for the offenders that are addictive to alcohol and drugs, who have behavior and personality problems, anger management
- The appropriate medical, psycho-social treatment aiming their rehabilitation
- Their integration in the community will be achieved with the collaboration of institutions like Ministry of Labor and Social Issues of Equal Opportunities, Ministry of Education( vocational training course, education, employment and housing
- Increase the level of confidence in the effectiveness of the implementation of alternative sentence
- Including the alternative sentence in an institutional frame-work in Albania