Informative Seminar about the Services of Network Associations for the Implementation of  Alternative Sentence Project in Albania

Venue: Hotel Europa (Shkoder)
Date: 26-th of November 2010

In the framework of “ National Network for Alternative Sentence Project” it was developed an informative seminar, in the city of Shkodra, in 26.11.2010, in Europa Hotel. This seminar was held with the participation of Judges, Prosecutors, Psychologists, Lawyers, Attorney at Law, Journalists, Director of Probation Service, Specialist of Probation Service, Executive Director of Aksion +, Executive Director of Refraction Association, Social Workers and Psychologists of partnership associations.

As agenda predicted the seminar started with the presentation of Mr. Mucollari, Executive Director of Aksion +. In his presentation he underlined the high statistics of drug users showed by studies in our country. This crucial issue has affected our families, community and society. He spoke for the commitment of different offences under the influence of drug use.


On this purpose he mentioned the great importance that has the collaboration between the Probation Service Institution and the programmes offered by the Partnership Association. In the end he concluded the all the advantages of Methadone Maintenance Treatment and the positive effect that brings this treatment in the reduction of offences.