In his presentation, Mr. Sefgjini, General Director of the Probation Service Office, spoke for the great importance that has the establishment of this kind of institution and he underlined all the benefits and advantages that this institution offers in the aspect of the rehabilitation and reintegration in the community, he mentioned the reduction of criminal tendencies and for the possible disappearance of crimogenic needs in offenders and diminish the economic costs. He argued that Probation Service is relatively a new institution so it is very necessary  on this purpose its consolidation through trainings in the field of drug addiction, in establishing effective communication with offenders, making possible interviews with them and improving the capacity and knowledges of the specialist that is in charge of the offenders.

In these meeting were introduced all the concrete programs will cover, medical and psico-social treatment, Methadon therapy etc. In this meeting all the participants propound new issues that need solution, analyzed  the main topics of the project, shared opinions, referred to individual cases, were discussed the improvement of quality of the services that will be offered .


Finally, in the ending of the meeting was decided that similar presentations will be held in the local offices too.